Library Video
The following are some of the important rules for the library: | ||
1 |
A person desirous of using the Library shall enter his/her name, address and time of entry legibly and put signature in the register kept at the entrance for the purpose
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2 |
Strict decorum and discipline must be maintained in the Library. Users must ensure that rights of other users of the Library are not breached in anyway by their own acts of commission or demission.
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3 |
Use of Cell phones is not allowed. If readers wish to keep them while using the Library, they must be switched off.
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4 |
Smoking, eating, sleeping and talking loudly are strictly prohibited in the Library
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5 |
A non-member can use the library materials in the Library premises with the permission of the Director General/ Deputy Director General /Librarian.
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6 |
Readers must not bring sticks, umbrellas, briefcases, boxes and other such articles into the Library. They may be deposited at the Library property counter and get a token. The item deposited can be recovered by returning the token. The users are advised not to leave expensive items with the property counter.
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7 |
Documents taken out of the shelves must be left on the table. Replacing the documents on shelves by users is not encouraged as the documents may get misplaced.
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8 |
Readers should not mark, underline, write, or tear pages or otherwise damage the library documents.
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9 |
Readers are requested to handle all Library property carefully to avoid damage to it and also not to disturb other readers/users.
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10 |
No Library material can be taken out of the Library without permission of the Librarian.
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11 |
Photocopying service is available for bonafide members of the library at nominal charges. All photocopying must comply with copyright legislation.
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12 |
Some items in the Library cannot be copied because of copyright laws, poor condition, or donor restrictions.
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13 | The discretion/decision of the Director General/Deputy Director General/Librarian on any matter pertaining to Library services will be binding on the Library users. | |
14 | Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the Library may be debarred from using the Library facilities or other punishments due for breach of law or norms of public order and decency. | |
15 | The Librarian, with the approval of the Director General/Deputy Director General, reserves the right to add, delete, or modify any of these rules as and when required. | |
16 | Suggestions on all aspects of library services are welcome. | |
Loan Privelege | ||
1 | Two books are issued for two weeks and they must be returned on or before the last date stamped on the date-slip of each document. Sending reminders to defaulters is not obligatory on the part of the Library. | |
2 |
The borrower should check the fitness of the document before getting it issued. Any discrepancy should be brought to the notice of the person at the Circulation Counter who will put necessary remarks on the document before issuing. The borrower will be held responsible for any defect/damage found at the time of return of the document, if not recorded on it earlier, and will be liable to pay the penalty as decided by the Director General/Deputy Director General/Librarian.
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3 |
Any document issued may be recalled by the Library before the due date of return without assigning any reason and the borrower has to abide by the decision.
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4 |
If a book is not returned within the loan period, issue of documents may be stopped.
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5 |
Late fee of Rs 2/-/day/book would be charged from all the borrowers who retain book(s) beyond the due date. Director General/Deputy Director General/Librarian may exempt the late fee depending upon the circumstances of delay, any human error in issuing a book by the library circulation staff, etc.
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6 |
Where books are not returned by the due date after the 3rd reminder the borrower will be charged cost of the book plus the fine and 10 per cent of cost of the book as processing charges.
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7 | Borrowers can get the book(s) reissued on or before the due date by intimating the Library through telephone/letter/email. Overdue books will not be reissued. | |
8 | Books will be reissued for not more than two times. After that the borrower must return the book(s). | |
9 | Reference books, journals / periodicals, magazines/newspapers, CD-ROM databases and other documents declared “For Reference” by the Librarian will not be issued. | |
10 | Documents, belonging to ‘Reference’ category, are not issued. | |
11 | Members can reserve the documents they desire to borrow by filling in the ‘Reservation Slip’ or online. Intimation about the availability of the document(s) will be given to the members when they are available for issue. The reservation will be strictly on first-come- first-served basis. | |
12 | The borrowers are advised to return the documents while proceeding on long leave. | |
13 | A borrower is responsible for the safe custody and return of the documents borrowed from the Library. | |
14 | In case of manageable damage/mutilation of the document, the borrower will be liable to pay the amount as assessed by the Director General/Deputy Director General /Librarian. | |
15 | In case of loss of document(s)/ irreparable damage/ mutilation of document, the borrower will be liable to pay the present cost of the book(s) and 10 per cent of the present cost of books as processing charge and late fine, if any in case of foreign publications, current exchange rates of relevant foreign currencies will be applied to calculate the cost of the documents. The member may also replace the lost/damaged book(s) by a new copy with same edition with 10 per cent of the present cost of books as processing charge with late fine, if any. In case of loss/damage/mutilation of a volume of a multi-volume set, the borrower is liable to replace the whole set with the same edition in case the single volume of the set cannot be purchased. In case of rare or out of print or valuable documents, the amount of penalty will be decided, on case-to-case basis, by the Director General/ Deputy Director General. Replacement by photocopied version will not be accepted. | |
16 | The Library membership may be suspended / cancelled at the discretion of the Director General/ Deputy Director General / Librarian for any inordinate / unwarranted / unscrupulous act or illegal behavior of a member. | |
17 | The Library members, especially ICWA staff, may request the Librarian in a prescribed manner for any document(s), not available in the Library, to borrow from any outside Library on interlibrary loan (ILL). The safe upkeep of the document received on ILL will be the responsibility of the borrower. Such borrowers will abide by the terms and conditions of the lending Library. | |
Cyber Library Rules | ||
1 | Cyber Library is to be used for academic purposes only. | |
2 | Online Chatting in the Cyber Library is not allowed. | |
3 | Browsing of dating, social networking sites is strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters. | |
4 | Members are not allowed to carry eatables and drinks in the entire Library premises. | |
5 | Members must carry their Library ID card while using the Cyber Library. They must show their ID card on demand. | |
6 | Members are not to share their net access ID and Password with other students. | |
7 | Changing the settings and display of the Computers kept in the Cyber Library/Reading Hall is not permitted. | |
8 | Playing games on computers is strictly prohibited in the entire Library premises. | |
9 | Members must take care of their Pen drives, CD/DVD ROMs, Cell Phones, and Wallets etc. | |
Note | ||
In case of any matter / issues which are not enumerated above, the decision of Director General will be final and binding. |
The following are some of the important rules for the library: | ||
1 |
A person desirous of using the Library shall enter his/her name, address and time of entry legibly and put signature in the register kept at the entrance for the purpose
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2 |
Strict decorum and discipline must be maintained in the Library. Users must ensure that rights of other users of the Library are not breached in anyway by their own acts of commission or demission.
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3 |
Use of Cell phones is not allowed. If readers wish to keep them while using the Library, they must be switched off.
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4 |
Smoking, eating, sleeping and talking loudly are strictly prohibited in the Library
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5 |
A non-member can use the library materials in the Library premises with the permission of the Director General/ Deputy Director General /Librarian.
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6 |
Readers must not bring sticks, umbrellas, briefcases, boxes and other such articles into the Library. They may be deposited at the Library property counter and get a token. The item deposited can be recovered by returning the token. The users are advised not to leave expensive items with the property counter.
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7 |
Documents taken out of the shelves must be left on the table. Replacing the documents on shelves by users is not encouraged as the documents may get misplaced.
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8 |
Readers should not mark, underline, write, or tear pages or otherwise damage the library documents.
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9 |
Readers are requested to handle all Library property carefully to avoid damage to it and also not to disturb other readers/users.
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10 |
No Library material can be taken out of the Library without permission of the Librarian.
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11 |
Photocopying service is available for bonafide members of the library at nominal charges. All photocopying must comply with copyright legislation.
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12 |
Some items in the Library cannot be copied because of copyright laws, poor condition, or donor restrictions.
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13 | The discretion/decision of the Director General/Deputy Director General/Librarian on any matter pertaining to Library services will be binding on the Library users. | |
14 | Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the Library may be debarred from using the Library facilities or other punishments due for breach of law or norms of public order and decency. | |
15 | The Librarian, with the approval of the Director General/Deputy Director General, reserves the right to add, delete, or modify any of these rules as and when required. | |
16 | Suggestions on all aspects of library services are welcome. | |
Loan Privelege | ||
1 | Two books are issued for two weeks and they must be returned on or before the last date stamped on the date-slip of each document. Sending reminders to defaulters is not obligatory on the part of the Library. | |
2 |
The borrower should check the fitness of the document before getting it issued. Any discrepancy should be brought to the notice of the person at the Circulation Counter who will put necessary remarks on the document before issuing. The borrower will be held responsible for any defect/damage found at the time of return of the document, if not recorded on it earlier, and will be liable to pay the penalty as decided by the Director General/Deputy Director General/Librarian.
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3 |
Any document issued may be recalled by the Library before the due date of return without assigning any reason and the borrower has to abide by the decision.
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4 |
If a book is not returned within the loan period, issue of documents may be stopped.
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5 |
Late fee of Rs 2/-/day/book would be charged from all the borrowers who retain book(s) beyond the due date. Director General/Deputy Director General/Librarian may exempt the late fee depending upon the circumstances of delay, any human error in issuing a book by the library circulation staff, etc.
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6 |
Where books are not returned by the due date after the 3rd reminder the borrower will be charged cost of the book plus the fine and 10 per cent of cost of the book as processing charges.
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7 | Borrowers can get the book(s) reissued on or before the due date by intimating the Library through telephone/letter/email. Overdue books will not be reissued. | |
8 | Books will be reissued for not more than two times. After that the borrower must return the book(s). | |
9 | Reference books, journals / periodicals, magazines/newspapers, CD-ROM databases and other documents declared “For Reference” by the Librarian will not be issued. | |
10 | Documents, belonging to ‘Reference’ category, are not issued. | |
11 | Members can reserve the documents they desire to borrow by filling in the ‘Reservation Slip’ or online. Intimation about the availability of the document(s) will be given to the members when they are available for issue. The reservation will be strictly on first-come- first-served basis. | |
12 | The borrowers are advised to return the documents while proceeding on long leave. | |
13 | A borrower is responsible for the safe custody and return of the documents borrowed from the Library. | |
14 | In case of manageable damage/mutilation of the document, the borrower will be liable to pay the amount as assessed by the Director General/Deputy Director General /Librarian. | |
15 | In case of loss of document(s)/ irreparable damage/ mutilation of document, the borrower will be liable to pay the present cost of the book(s) and 10 per cent of the present cost of books as processing charge and late fine, if any in case of foreign publications, current exchange rates of relevant foreign currencies will be applied to calculate the cost of the documents. The member may also replace the lost/damaged book(s) by a new copy with same edition with 10 per cent of the present cost of books as processing charge with late fine, if any. In case of loss/damage/mutilation of a volume of a multi-volume set, the borrower is liable to replace the whole set with the same edition in case the single volume of the set cannot be purchased. In case of rare or out of print or valuable documents, the amount of penalty will be decided, on case-to-case basis, by the Director General/ Deputy Director General. Replacement by photocopied version will not be accepted. | |
16 | The Library membership may be suspended / cancelled at the discretion of the Director General/ Deputy Director General / Librarian for any inordinate / unwarranted / unscrupulous act or illegal behavior of a member. | |
17 | The Library members, especially ICWA staff, may request the Librarian in a prescribed manner for any document(s), not available in the Library, to borrow from any outside Library on interlibrary loan (ILL). The safe upkeep of the document received on ILL will be the responsibility of the borrower. Such borrowers will abide by the terms and conditions of the lending Library. | |
Cyber Library Rules | ||
1 | Cyber Library is to be used for academic purposes only. | |
2 | Online Chatting in the Cyber Library is not allowed. | |
3 | Browsing of dating, social networking sites is strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters. | |
4 | Members are not allowed to carry eatables and drinks in the entire Library premises. | |
5 | Members must carry their Library ID card while using the Cyber Library. They must show their ID card on demand. | |
6 | Members are not to share their net access ID and Password with other students. | |
7 | Changing the settings and display of the Computers kept in the Cyber Library/Reading Hall is not permitted. | |
8 | Playing games on computers is strictly prohibited in the entire Library premises. | |
9 | Members must take care of their Pen drives, CD/DVD ROMs, Cell Phones, and Wallets etc. | |
Note | ||
In case of any matter / issues which are not enumerated above, the decision of Director General will be final and binding. | ||
Library video